The Meaning Behind Shoes Strung Up On A Power Line

Although not as common now as it was when I was a kid, you’ve likely seen sneakers tied together by their laces and tossed onto a power line. I always thought it was something neighborhood kids did, but there are several theories about its meaning.

One theory dates back to wartime, when soldiers supposedly threw their boots on power lines after completing their training or assignment. This could be where other theories originated. Another belief is that gangs use shoes on power lines to mark their territory, though this theory remains unproven.

Some people think the shoes are the result of kids bullying others. I can recall movies where bullies threw a kid’s sneakers onto a power line, leaving them shoeless. However, the most common theory—and the one I believe—is that people do it “just because.” It might be a fun thing to do with old shoes, and once others see it, they follow suit. It’s just kids being kids.

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